Train the Trainer

The RESUS4KIDS Train the Trainer program is taught by a RESUS4KIDS Super Trainer.

The program is approximately 4.5 hours in length and includes the RESUS4KIDS Short Practical Course.

On completion of the RESUS4KIDS Train the Trainer instructors will be able to deliver any of the RESUS4KIDS practical courses to their local participants.

In order to support trainers RESUS4KIDS has developed a Train the Trainer Refresher e-Learning. This e-Learning is designed to be completed by instructors after attending the face to face training course as a way to refresh on the different teaching techniques used in the RESUS4KIDS Short Practical Course. The Train the Trainer e-Learning also contains edited videos of a RESUS4KIDS Practical Course highlighting key teaching elements to assist instructors in their delivery of the practical course.

On completion of both the RESUS4KIDS Train the Trainer and e-Learning instructors will:

  • understand the different specific learning objectives that participants must be able to identify or demonstrate for the all aspects of the RESUS4KIDS Short Practical Course
  • develop a basic understanding of Crisis Resource Management and how to incorporate this knowledge into the teamwork and communication discussion
  • understand where to locate the resources required to deliver the short practical course
  • develop a basic understanding of adult education theory and how to use this knowledge to improve small group teaching
  • learn how to identify different types of challenging participants within small group teaching and how to approach each of these challenging learners, in order to engage all participants attending the RESUS4KIDS Short Practical Course.
Train the Trainer